
What you got?

What You Got Lyrics

hello once again and with a new song to talk about. This time I found an acoustic but still has that R&B touch to it, it's called "What you got" by Colby O'Donnis ft. Akon. Colby O'Donnis is a rising artist that has been featured on Wild 94.9 and 106 kmel, he was also in California during HIN (Hot Import Nights) on March 8, 2008. Colby O Donnis is rising up with his hit single "What you got" ft. akon.

This song originally has a faster beat to it but I chose to stick with the acoustic because it sounds more appealing rather than the faster one. Basically through the lyrics of his song he talks about this girl who talks about what she has, hence the name of the song, "What you got." So, since he notices her flaws and all he wants to get with the girl and change her for the better, not so picky about her men, knows what she wants, not the typical girl who's pick basically.

You don't necessarily have to look for this but in general this song is good either in its original beat or it's acoustic version. You decide which you feel is the better appeal.

LOL on my escalator...

Flo Rida Elevator Lyrics

o0o0o, for a change here's hip-hop. "Elevator" by Flo-Ride ft. Timbaland. This song is about a "hot lil' mama" stuck on this guys elevator. And all this guy can do is stare and talk about the way this "hot lil' mama" looks like. Not much to say about this song but it has a very nice beat to it with a lot of bass. You could maybe bump this music up on blast when driving around the city. Ha, Ha, Ha you fella's could play this song when in the car and see your "hot lil' mama."

Maybe for a change you could give me your thought about this song and how would you rate it from a 0-10 with 0 being the worse and 10 being the best. Hope to hear from you soon, and probably I could get you stuck on blo-blo,blogger. :]

How many steps do you take at a time?

One Step At A Time Lyrics

Here's a pop song for a change, it's called "One step at a time" by Jordin Spark who was also featured in American Idol. I don't know what season but she was sure in it :]. Her song is all in all about if you're trying to pursure something whether it be getting a job, finding the one you truely will love or even graduating college, don't let anything in your path way stop you not even yourself.

I love how in the beginning of the song, if you listen to it, there is someone walking and it goes along with the beat of the song and it does this in the end of the song as well. It literally is letting you hear to take one step at a time because if you do so you'll get where you want to get. Music wise it has that beat in which you are walking and keeps you going, so the beat is keeping you happy and uplifting. I recommend this song to anyone, heck even the people who listen to rock, because it's not the beat you want to get into, it's the lyrics of the song that has the true meanings behind it.

Remember take one step at time...

Is he/she worth the wait?

Trey Songz Lyrics
Can't Help But Wait Lyrics

Once again in the library...and with a new song in mind I chose to do a song that's slowed down a bit which is "Can't help but wait," by Trey Songz. This song caught my attention because totally reminded me once again my past situation, like all the other songs. I'm pretty sure every song I encounter there will be something related to my past situations.

Overall lyrics wise, this song is about a guy who is willing to wait for that girl he has been eyeing. He knows how wrong her boyfriend has been treating her but she is willing to fight over him because if she does he will fight back and will win. So he is willing to wait till she makes that move and comes to him. It has all the wonderful words to get the girl running to you and leaving her selfish man for the better man. Speaking on terms of music it has that R&B feel to it while the words of the song make it all go together. I recommend this song to the R&B lovers and also to people who get sad and lonely because as wel all know when we get sad and lonely or happy and what not we turn to whatever song fits out mood.


Ha Ha, That's What YOU get!!

Paramore Lyrics
Thats What You Get Lyrics
Here I am in the library and I am deciding on putting up a new post about the song I have on repeat. It is called "That's What You Get" by Paramore. I love this song so much because it toally reminds me of a situation that once has happened to me and when I listen to this song it makes me laugh. Because it goes like this I've told Blabber so many times that they shouldn't head in that direction, but no they keep on going in that direction and get no where. So in the end what ever I told Blabber hit them hard and came running back to me and said "Tell me you told me so..."

But again I love how so many things that have happened to me in life can be expressed in music that not only do I enjoy listening to, but something that I can surely relate to. I also love the beat of the song not too hard rock (alternative/pop) and the words just fit so right with one another. I recommend this song for the alternative/pop/rock listeners and also people who have told loved ones not to go in one direction that is bad for them but still contiuned too and had them running back to you.


Ride Along...

Jay Sean "Ride It"

Ride It Lyrics

From the blog titled "It's About Music" I came across a post that said:
"Ride It is the first single from Jay Sean's second album My Own Way. It was released on January 21, 2008. On the 27th January 2008, Jay Sean's latest single , 'Ride It' debuted the UK charts at number 11. It debuted at number 13 on the UK Download Chart as well. By the second week, it fell to number 13 on the UK Singles Chart. It is his first solo effort to miss the top 10 however has stayed in the top 40 longer than any of his other songs."

I just wanted to comment on what a great single this is from Jay Sean . Although the beat may be a bit slowed down, it is a song you can still dance to maybe in the club. The cool it down part of the club when things get all too out of control. I'm not sure what's being portrayed in the song but most definitely Jay Sean is trying to get at some girl at the club and suposedly getting her into his pad? I recommend this song to many people because it's a mix of R&B and techno and Indian beat since Jay Sean has an Indian background. Jay Sean has many other wonderful songs such as his single "Maybe." Hopefully with a time listening from the song I put up you're for sure to look for his other songs because many of my friends enjoy the company of his music.

Does love make you bleed?

Hello bloggers, blog readers or what would have you. Here I am with another song. I decided to write about the song "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis because I heard it Wild 94.9 and I said to myself "Hey why are they playing these songs on 94.9?!" But then again I noticed that 94.9 has been creative and as I said people should be open minded with their music and enjoy what is out there because it might take over the world or might it? You never know.

As I was listening to this song it kind of expresses the way about how I feel about my relationship with my fiance and my family. They say things aren't going to work out but as Ne-yo likes to say, "We gotta make it work." I wanted to prove my family wrong and show them that this relationship I have now will work out. But enough about me it's the song that we are here to talk about.

With the third verse of the song:

"But I don’t care what they say I’m in love with you They try to pull me away But they don’t know the truth My heart’s crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open..."

It clearly shows that people don't believe that whoever she is with now will not work out due to whatever they believe, but here she is with a come back saying she can and will win with the one she loves. So she is technically in love but the pain that she gets from all the hating from people is making her bleed inside yet the love from her special love one is making her strong. I love how people can express their feelings through songs and sometimes hearing it from an artist you would have never expected it to come from can be very surprising because you believe that they have the good life. Artist, famous or not YET famous are all the same but sometimes we exceed one another.

Through the words of Leona Lewis you can overcome anything with the support from family and friends. Don't let what other people say to you affect what you want to do in life.

People who don't matter mind, people who matter mind.


Music, Music, Music is my remedy

When it comes to music what do you first turn to and listen to? Me, it could be anything that ranges from nature sounds to techno. I'm not very picky with music because honestly music is a remedy for anything and everything in life. I've never met a person in my enitre 18 years who has not listened to music; however if there is anyone out there who believes that they have not listened to music I'd like to convince them that they have listened to music.
On the other hand music comes in all sorts of sizes, genres, and different meanings to them. I love to listen to a song and try to depict what is being said in the lyrics. Also why they chose the beat to the song or also known as the music. It's funny now a days many songs that have been written and organized in the past are being brought back today just like how the fashion trends in the 80's are coming back fast. I love how everyting was back then in the 80's, not too modernized, just simple and very understanding. But people learn through trial and error and make things a new. Like with music as well take for example Hip-Hop, Hip-Hop isn't what it use to be back in the 80's because Hip-Hop today includes a mix of rock and what not. But as a I like to say music artist like to be creative.
There are many things to say about music, but I would just like to conclude saying that the evolution of music has evolved into something that wasn't like it original past which some people like and some do not and some don't have a say at all.

How do you feel...

Hello once again. Sorry about the late feedback totally been busy looking for great music to do whatever to.

So the song I have posted up is techno; "Can't get over"- September. I got the music link from http://www.imeem.com and looked up the song "Can't get over."

When I first heard this song, what caught me was the beat because it's something that you can move to and will keep you up no matter what. Heck, even my boyfriend loves this kind of music. I'm glad he isn't picky with music because if he was we would be fighting over what music station to listen to or what songs to put into the ipod. Anyways, after having listened to this song a few hundred times I listened to the lyrics and it reminded me of past situations with friends or friends who have gone through the same situation as the song.

Here are the lyrics from the website


SEPTEMBER CAN'T GET OVER LYRICSYou...Don't want hear your name!Don't wanna see your smile!Cause Baby I'm still crying.And go, it's time for you to get out!I'm sick of standing my ground,Cause I just stand up running.And I go to sleeping even end tomorrow,But I wake up screaming, how wake through the night.You know I can't get over,And I don't know why?You know I can't get over,No matter how I try,And I don't know why?We...Will always be the same!You say it's time for a change,But I don't see, wouldn't coming.So I clay now gone the darkness on your lovin,But I end up falling back into your road!You know I can't get over,And I don't know why?You know I can't get over,No matter how I try,And I don't know why?From beginning to win,Where's again right back to where we started.I know, I'm rightWe were wrong with the love!You know I can't get over,And I don't know why?You know I can't get over,No matter how I try.You know I can't get over,And I don't know why?You know I can't get over,No matter how I try,And I don't know why?You know I can't get over!

I myself have gone through this situation, but not like this song brings back memories, rather it makes me happy in a way in which other people can explain your feelings thorugh their songs. And if someone needs to know how you feel just tell them to listen to a certain song. But this song doesn't need to be listened to because of how this lady cannot get over her first love I assume, but because it has an up beat touch to it and will keep you dancing. Imagine if the song were much slower maybe it would have a different meaning to it. It could be up beat to show that the guy leaving the girl has no effect on her but she wishes for him back, but she is a strong girl.

Some songs can have a great effect on people, take for example this girl, let's just name her Tutuzoo, listened to this and used it as a weapon towards her ex. Using a song against someone won't get you anywhere with the siutaion but would only make you seem immature, rather its best for you to talk it out. Whoa, I'm getting off track, but what I am trying to say is that songs aren't meant to be used as weapons but rather as a way of entertainment when times get really arid.

I'd like to now end this entry with a question as I had first done with my welcome blog. I would like to know what your point of view on this music is from its music to its lyrics. You already know how I feel about this song (A girl being strong about her man leaving her, that is why there is an upbeat hit to the music). I hope to hear from you soon and hopefully you enjoy the music posted.


Welcome :]

Here you are at another blog at blogger.com. The question is, what makes this blog of mines different from other blogs out there? The answer is that my blogs will be true and legit and will be coming straight out from my heart <3 and something you can defnitely relate to. You know how sometimes there are blog there in the open that are sometimes just too full of themselves or just straight up have words too big that we don't even know whether it belongs to what is being said or whatever right?

I decided to up a blog because the evil monster told me so. Ha, not really, but because I needed a place to express my thoughts about music and to see what other people had to say about my thoughts on music; whether it be a negative or positive comment. Heads up you can say all you want and and it wont bother me a tad bit because it takes a lot to get on my bad side.

Since this is my first blog I wanna know what is the main genre of songs people listen to and why they choose to listen to it. Take me for example I like to keep an open mind with my music and listen to not one type of genre of songs, but to every type of music out there. I started doing the whole listening to one type of music back in the days but after noticing that there were other good songs out there as well I started to listen to all music possible. I also noticed that if I stuck to one type of genre of music it will take over and make me the person I'm not. And people around me didn't like that so I had to change something and I knew it had to be something about what I was listening to. So not so much rap music today but a lot of everything.

So once again the question I ask is what type of music(s) do you listen to and why?