
What you got?

What You Got Lyrics

hello once again and with a new song to talk about. This time I found an acoustic but still has that R&B touch to it, it's called "What you got" by Colby O'Donnis ft. Akon. Colby O'Donnis is a rising artist that has been featured on Wild 94.9 and 106 kmel, he was also in California during HIN (Hot Import Nights) on March 8, 2008. Colby O Donnis is rising up with his hit single "What you got" ft. akon.

This song originally has a faster beat to it but I chose to stick with the acoustic because it sounds more appealing rather than the faster one. Basically through the lyrics of his song he talks about this girl who talks about what she has, hence the name of the song, "What you got." So, since he notices her flaws and all he wants to get with the girl and change her for the better, not so picky about her men, knows what she wants, not the typical girl who's pick basically.

You don't necessarily have to look for this but in general this song is good either in its original beat or it's acoustic version. You decide which you feel is the better appeal.

LOL on my escalator...

Flo Rida Elevator Lyrics

o0o0o, for a change here's hip-hop. "Elevator" by Flo-Ride ft. Timbaland. This song is about a "hot lil' mama" stuck on this guys elevator. And all this guy can do is stare and talk about the way this "hot lil' mama" looks like. Not much to say about this song but it has a very nice beat to it with a lot of bass. You could maybe bump this music up on blast when driving around the city. Ha, Ha, Ha you fella's could play this song when in the car and see your "hot lil' mama."

Maybe for a change you could give me your thought about this song and how would you rate it from a 0-10 with 0 being the worse and 10 being the best. Hope to hear from you soon, and probably I could get you stuck on blo-blo,blogger. :]

How many steps do you take at a time?

One Step At A Time Lyrics

Here's a pop song for a change, it's called "One step at a time" by Jordin Spark who was also featured in American Idol. I don't know what season but she was sure in it :]. Her song is all in all about if you're trying to pursure something whether it be getting a job, finding the one you truely will love or even graduating college, don't let anything in your path way stop you not even yourself.

I love how in the beginning of the song, if you listen to it, there is someone walking and it goes along with the beat of the song and it does this in the end of the song as well. It literally is letting you hear to take one step at a time because if you do so you'll get where you want to get. Music wise it has that beat in which you are walking and keeps you going, so the beat is keeping you happy and uplifting. I recommend this song to anyone, heck even the people who listen to rock, because it's not the beat you want to get into, it's the lyrics of the song that has the true meanings behind it.

Remember take one step at time...

Is he/she worth the wait?

Trey Songz Lyrics
Can't Help But Wait Lyrics

Once again in the library...and with a new song in mind I chose to do a song that's slowed down a bit which is "Can't help but wait," by Trey Songz. This song caught my attention because totally reminded me once again my past situation, like all the other songs. I'm pretty sure every song I encounter there will be something related to my past situations.

Overall lyrics wise, this song is about a guy who is willing to wait for that girl he has been eyeing. He knows how wrong her boyfriend has been treating her but she is willing to fight over him because if she does he will fight back and will win. So he is willing to wait till she makes that move and comes to him. It has all the wonderful words to get the girl running to you and leaving her selfish man for the better man. Speaking on terms of music it has that R&B feel to it while the words of the song make it all go together. I recommend this song to the R&B lovers and also to people who get sad and lonely because as wel all know when we get sad and lonely or happy and what not we turn to whatever song fits out mood.