
How many steps do you take at a time?

One Step At A Time Lyrics

Here's a pop song for a change, it's called "One step at a time" by Jordin Spark who was also featured in American Idol. I don't know what season but she was sure in it :]. Her song is all in all about if you're trying to pursure something whether it be getting a job, finding the one you truely will love or even graduating college, don't let anything in your path way stop you not even yourself.

I love how in the beginning of the song, if you listen to it, there is someone walking and it goes along with the beat of the song and it does this in the end of the song as well. It literally is letting you hear to take one step at a time because if you do so you'll get where you want to get. Music wise it has that beat in which you are walking and keeps you going, so the beat is keeping you happy and uplifting. I recommend this song to anyone, heck even the people who listen to rock, because it's not the beat you want to get into, it's the lyrics of the song that has the true meanings behind it.

Remember take one step at time...

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