
LOL on my escalator...

Flo Rida Elevator Lyrics

o0o0o, for a change here's hip-hop. "Elevator" by Flo-Ride ft. Timbaland. This song is about a "hot lil' mama" stuck on this guys elevator. And all this guy can do is stare and talk about the way this "hot lil' mama" looks like. Not much to say about this song but it has a very nice beat to it with a lot of bass. You could maybe bump this music up on blast when driving around the city. Ha, Ha, Ha you fella's could play this song when in the car and see your "hot lil' mama."

Maybe for a change you could give me your thought about this song and how would you rate it from a 0-10 with 0 being the worse and 10 being the best. Hope to hear from you soon, and probably I could get you stuck on blo-blo,blogger. :]


marisol26 said...

i tried to write you a comment but it ended up on my comment page thing... i guess go back and look at my other response! i have no idea how to erase it this blog thing is confusing but i did figure out how to make the link work!!!

marisol26 said...

um yea just a little lol i guess if you are confident that you're not making a mistake it's okay. how long have you been with him? i had a friend who got engaged after being with the guy for 6 months and she got pregnant really fast and during her last month she lost the baby and found out that he was cheating on her the whole time. their relationship is ruined. so don't rush!! you have the rest of your life left